
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Hey y'all,

"How are you." I want to discuss these three words this lovely afternoon..."How-are-you." Such powerful words! do you know the difference you can make in a persons life and your own for just asking, "How are you." Another good one is "Hello", with a smile of course. Nothing makes me feel better than when I smile at someone and greet them. But I am getting off topic! "How-are-you," so many answers can flood out with this one question! You might hear a life changing story, a dangerous story, a mystery, or maybe just a, "Fine, how about you." I wonder if it makes you feel as good as I do whenever I greet someone, even if its just a quick, HELLO! Because everyone needs a little encouragement in life, and just greeting someone can make there day. Try it! and let yourself feel the light and goodness of the Lord flowing over you like a warm blanket.

Love and holiness,

Monday, November 12, 2012


Hey Y'all!
Good Afternoon! How is everyone this morning, did you get some good sleep. it's getting colder here in Texas, but beautiful nonetheless! Hey, is anyone frustrated right now. School bothering you, finals coming soon, tests and whatnot's. Let me speak plain and clearly....DON'T LET THE STRESS GET TO YOU! The worst possible thing you could do is have a major break- down, believe me! Been their, done that, don't want to go back. But I guess that's my own problem, since I don't keep myself organized. And your probably thinking," Then why are you lecturing me! " Because its not healthy, I don't want any of you, to have to feel that your world is turning upside down on really whats the minor part of life. As my Algebra teacher says, "Math won't get you to heaven." I am not saying to not do your homework! but don't stress yourself out to the point of exhaustion. Will God give you a math test to enter heaven. No! So do your homework, be faithful, and don't let life push you so hard, because you mean more to us all then you would think, and I don't know what we would do without you. Because everyone was born for a purpose, and that purpose is 1. to live (be happy) faithful (Don't lie, it will only make you sink further) and 3. Well, that's up to you, its your job to find your journey, find your path, to find your purpose. God gave us all talents, we just have to search deep inside to find them, and use them to our greatest abilities! 

Love Sent,

Sunday, November 11, 2012


What a Gorgeous day! God sure has blessed us for all we have, a family, food, shelter and love. Where would we be without love and peace. And I am not talking about peace signs, that is a false interpretation of Gods word. The peace I am talking about, is the one God gives us, that flicker of light within us all that keeps us going every day. Those who have lost their path and are concealed in darkness, don't understand this light, what gifts he has given each of us to use everyday. Smiling, what does that hurt, nothing! To smile at your neighbor, whether she is someone next to your house, by your locker, or someone who just needs a loving hand. Like the story Jesus told the lawyer of the good Samaritan, in Luke 10:25-37. A man laid in a ditch, beaten and stolen from, two men, a Jewish priest and a Levite saw the man but never stopped to help. That was before the Samaritan stopped, picked him up and took him to an inn. Dressed his wounds and told the innkeeper to take care of him and he will pay for all of it when he returned. (For more of this story and better description go to this website ) So Jesus asked the Lawyer, "Who was a neighbor to this man," and the lawyer said, "The Samaritan." Then Jesus replied, "You go and do the same." Shouldn't we all be like the Samaritan, helpful and full of love and support! But be aware of Dangers, some people use your pity and feelings to get to you. Otherwise, shouldn't we do the same. I pray you all had a fantastic day, and that the Lord is with you and everything that you do. 

Share some of your stories in the comments below of when you were a good Samaritan! :)

New Addition to Four-SquaredEntertainment04

Hey Y'all,
A Vanilla Flower is a new addition to our blog Four-SquaredEntertainment04! Vanilla flower is ready to give  beautiful poetry, spiritual messages and christian advice!

Arielle here,
May God be with your spirit!